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Leaky Gut

Sounds pretty icky, right?! So what is leaky gut syndrome?  Is the gut actually leaking? Leaking what and where? Can it be stopped? Leaky gut syndrome[...]

Raising Healthy Girls

It’s exciting and scary knowing that I’m in charge of raising this precious little girl in this crazy world with so many uncertainties! Am I[...]

Addictive Foods

What makes a food addictive? Are there certain qualities that make you want to binge-eat some, while eat others in the recommended portions? Why is it that[...]

Headache Trigger Foods

How to Find Your Headache Trigger Foods As someone who has struggled with headaches since I was a teenager, I was anxious to see if I have[...]

Breastfeeding and Working Out Myths

Breastfeeding and exercise? Can you do it? Heck YEAH! From some moms I talk to, there seems to be some misconceptions out there about breastfeeding & exercise. Here[...]