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Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

You are exercising, you are eating well, and you think you should have lost more weight by now... Sound familiar? Everyone goes through patches like this, and[...]

Edible Finger Paint

Where has the time gone?! I can’t believe I’m looking for activities for my ONE YEAR OLD and I! While searching Pinterest, I came across a[...]

No Sugar Added Pumpkin Toddler Pancakes

These toddler pancakes are also great to introduce as part of  Baby Led Weaning when introducing solids! For more on Kids' Nutrition, download my favorite[...]

How to make Zucchini Noodles- Zoodles

The tool that I use is called the Veggetti Spiral Vegetable Slicer. It can be found on Amazon for less than $15, or you can[...]

Homemade Baby Teething Biscuit

Homemade Teething Biscuit Recipes I have made these two ways so far. Here are our two recipes: Prune & Apple Baby Biscuit 1/4 cup prune puree (baby[...]