Recent Blog Posts

GNC Lean Shakes- Glorified Milk?

or as I am going to start referring to as, "Glorified Milk." The reason I decided to write this blog is because: I hate how GNC[...]

Honey Almond Coconut Granola

Umm... by far the best granola I've made. Ever!! [yumprint-recipe id='14'] What do you like to eat granola with? Yogurt? Cottage cheese? Comment below![...]

Healthy Summer Skin

Healthy Summer Skin I've been wanting to talk about this for a while now, and my blog seems like the perfect place to do to! Being[...]

Burrito Bowl Recipe

Mock Chipotle Burrito Bowl Recipe [yumprint-recipe id='11'][...]

A Dietitian’s Review: Kind Bars

A Dietitian's Review: Kind Bars Please read to the very end for the giveaway! Walking down the "bar" section of the grocery store can be really overwhelming,[...]