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Monday Funday

Life in Arizona We have an awesome little camera that we've taken on our hikes and trips all around Arizona, and I should really start sharing[...]

Black Bean Sweet Potato Crockpot Chili

Black Bean Sweet Potato Crock-pot Chili   [yumprint-recipe id='7']Enjoy! Click "Like" or "Share" below!  [...]

Length of Body Beast Workouts & Equipment

How Long are the Body Beast Workouts Body Beast used to be one of my favorite programs. It really helped me fall in love with heavy[...]

Toe Heel Ab Workout

Toe-Heel-Extension Ab Workout I made this very short video to show you a new ab workout you can add to your routine. Do 20 Toe- Heel-Extensions[...]

Butternut Black Bean Southwest Skillet

Butternut Black Bean Southwest Skillet You can call anything Southwest if it has Avocados, right? 😉 Well, I'm not sure if this is considered "southwest" or not[...]