I have to apologize, I was doing so well with updating my blog early on in my pregnancy. I noticed that the last update I did was at 30 weeks! This was one of the last workout pictures I took when I had 5 weeks to go. Little did I know, I’d only last a few more days! 


If you are following me on social media, then you know that little miss Isabella Liberty Sweeney was born at 36 weeks on August 22, 2014. She was a healthy 6 lbs & 18inches long. 



On August 21, a friend drove me to the hospital just “to get checked out.” The nurses and doctors kept telling me it was probably false labor, I think I was under-playing how much pain I was in. By the time I got checked out by the doctor, I was 6 cm dialed and Isabella was on her way! I cried to the doctor, “have my friend call my husband!!” I got admitted to the Labor & Delivery floor at 4pm. At the time, my husband was in Washington DC. It was seriously an act of God for him to get home in time for the birth. Everything from perfect timing of the flights, his Cadre willing to drive him to the airport, a man in first class giving up his seat so he could run off the plane, and my cousin who works at the airport giving him his car to literally speed home. Pat arrived at the hospital at 11pm, she was born at 1:20 am the next morning. 



Thank goodness my good friends Nicki & Erin who were with me at the hospital until Pat arrived. We watched Billy Madison, laughed, talked and tried to make the time pass. The birth went almost as well as I could have planned (except that Pat wasn’t there). I had a natural birth with no medications, no epidurals and had no complications, just as I hoped it would go. I really do believe that staying active and eating well helped me with a healthy delivery! 

We had to stay an extra few days in the hospital because she was a little Jaundice, but after the light therapy treatments, we were able to return home! I think it was the day after we got home, we went for a walk and had our first family workout 🙂

IMG_4919Leave a comment and tell me about your birth story! Did things go as you had planned?



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