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third trimester varicose veins

Third Trimester Update

Well, we’re hanging in there! I had a few rough weeks where I thought “this is it, she is coming.” But, things have leveled out[...]

healthy tuna patties recipe with broccoli

Healthy Tuna Patties

Seafood is extremely beneficial for our bodies and these healthy tuna patties recipe will give you a nice dose of vital nutrition! During pregnancy the[...]

Painful Varicose Veins During Pregnancy

I’ve been trying to share my journey of my honest pregnancy struggles on social media, and one of the things that always spikes a lot[...]

How to Have a Healthier Halloween

How do you “do” Halloween with all the treats and candy? This post will share with you my top tips as a mom and also[...]

natural constipation remedies for kids

Kids & Toddler Constipation Natural Remedies

Constipation is really defined as less than two or three bowel movements per day, hard to pass stools, and/or straining to go. Let's talk today[...]