third trimester varicose veins

Well, we’re hanging in there! I had a few rough weeks where I thought “this is it, she is coming.” But, things have leveled out and I’m feeling like she’s going to stay put a little while longer. The biggest update many of you are asking about, how are the third trimester varicose veins ? But, more on that below. 

We just returned from our last family getaway in the mountains before baby girl is born and we had an amazing Thanksgiving weekend. Hiking, sugar, mountains, seeing Santa… what else could we ask for?!

Here is a little update on the third trimester. If you missed the first trimester update, here it is. Second trimester, sorry, time went too fast and I never got around to it. But now, here is a little update on pregnancy so far!

Third Trimester

I’ve had more Braxton Hicks then I’ve ever had with the first two babes, and a few real ones (by now I can tell the difference), but those were a few weeks ago when I was sure she was going to come way too early. This image from What To Expect shares what the differences are:

Delivering Early 

Bella and Teagan delivered 4.5 and 3 weeks early, respectively. My sister delivered her babies all 2-4 weeks early, my mom delivered us a little early, and in talking to a few cousins, they said they also delivered early! So maybe it’s genetics that helps determine when we carry to?? 

Did you know that only 5% of women deliver on their due date? There’s a lot of debate about due dates, accuracy of due dates, and such, so it’s normal for due dates to be inaccurate! Though it’s not necessarily normal for due dates to be as early as mine have been. It’s interesting to know how many other women are off from their due date. You can read a little more about that here.

Now, as hard as this pregnancy has been – because it has certainly been the hardest – I know that this is our last one and I am trying to soak it all in. Pat had his snip-snip surgery this month, so we are definitely done! 5 pregnancies, 3 babies, two miscarriages, the pain of it all… my body really can’t handle another. And I don’t want to be misleading because I love being pregnant! I love the magical feeling of the bump, her kicks, the glow, the bigger boobs (if I’m being honest) and I’m just completely obsessed with the science and the miracle it is to grow a human being!

In care of early delivery, we’ve been ready for a few weeks with all the basics; everything from our birth plan to the bassinet. The rest is extra and coming along with time.

Here are a few other updates:

Varicose veins- still awful. The third trimester varicose veins have brought the worst pain in my feet and pelvic region. Sorry for the graphic pictures, I can’t believe I’m sharing them, but there has to be someone else who this happened to?

I did a whole post about the painful varicose veins during pregnancy, you can read more here. The biggest relief comes from elevation and ice. At my last appointment, I was seen by a few specialists who still said the best thing to do is to wait and pray they go away after baby is delivered. And they should go away. If not, then we look at other options.

third trimester varicose veins


Back pain

It has been relieved tremendously by the help of a new chiropractor who specializes in the Webster Technique. It’s something specific for pregnancy that focuses on the lower back and pelvis. It’s a huge game-changer and I go once a week. If you’re in the SoCal area, check out Dr. Dan Freedman, he’s great.

Medical tests

All of my tests are done and came back okay! My Glucose test is done, I got my Rhogam shot,  and TDap and I’m ready for baby. We denied other genetic testing done in the first and second trimester.

Weight Gain: about 35 pounds


Nah, not really. I was obsessed with food in the first and second trimester. Ask my friends at work, it was a little ridiculous. I obsessed about a food until I had it. And talked about it non stop. Meh, comes with the territory.


It’s coming along! I wanted to do this one super girly and magical. Bella I tried to keep it gender neutral with yellow and gray. Teagan lived in our closet the first year of her life (Army life, she lived in three homes by the time she was one). So, I really wanted it all set up for baby girl.

Big sisters

Oh they are so excited. I cannot even wait to see how they respond to their new baby sister. Bella absolutely has the kindest heart in the whole world. Teagan, within the last 6 months has become sweeter (she had a feisty streak for a while) and now loves playing gently with baby dolls, and I think she’ll be great.


It’s funny how much we can forget (or put into the dark recesses of our minds) about childbirth and having an infant. There was a time when I was sure we were done having kids. I got rid of the girls’ clothes, toys, and most baby stuff. Two kids and two adults, sounds good right? We don’t want to be outnumbered haha! But in a crazy twist of fate, here I am about to have another precious little one. And as I recall the memories of Bella and Teagan’s births and infanthood, I feel truly blessed that I’ve been given the opportunity to soak it all in and do it one more time!

How many children do you have? Which pregnancy/birth was the most difficult for you? Solidarity in numbers… share below!

2 thoughts on “Third Trimester Update”

  1. So sorry about your veins… I totally understand the pain and fear of what happens next. Please be watchful after delivery. I will pray for comfort and healing.

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