March is National Nutrition Month, and in honor of that, March 9 is National Registered Dietitian or Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Day!


national rd day

Thought I’d share this! I work in a different setting than many of my colleagues, however I have met an amazing group entrepreneurs who are also business owners! Some of them are online bloggers, share online meal plans, work with clients virtually, and I have met about 55 other Dietitians who also do Beachbody coaching!

Some Dietitians choose to work in clinical hospital settings, food companies, nursing homes, dialysis care, private practice, etc. I have had most of my experience with Mothers and Babies, community nutrition and non-profits before deciding to work full time for myself! For more on my background, read here!

  • What my friends think I do: workout & eat salad (actually, my good friends know me better than that ?)
  • What society thinks I do: Be the food police and condemn you for making poor choices
  • What my patients/clients think I do: Give strict meal plans with all salads and beets and expect them to stick with it ?
  • What Doctors think I do: Cafeteria & food police
  • What I think I do: Smile, take pictures of food, make new recipes and get paid to workout
  • What I actually do: I work with clients one-on-one to get to know their real goals, their struggles, their setbacks, their lives, and make plans and lifestyle changes that work for them! I work with small groups to empower and support clients to make better changes daily! I train others to take control of their life and start their own businesses, work from home, in sweatshirts and yoga pants, motivating and helping others stay accountable to their goals! I keep an open heart and open arms to help everyone who is willing to listen and accept the change needed in their life to be healthier! ?

Just so you are clear, there is a big difference between what a qualified Dietitian does and someone who calls themselves a “nutritionist.” Anyone can take an online 2 hour course with a certificate and call themselves a nutritionist! Yikes!


dietitian vs nutritionist


Happy Registered Dietitian Day to my fellow Dietitians, and Happy National Nutrition Month to all!


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