20 weeks color

How Far Along?

20 weeks

Weight Gained?

10 pounds


No real cravings! I’m not eating as much salty foods any more like I craved before, so that is good!


This week I’m on week 3 of my ChaLean Extreme & Focus T-25 Hybrid!

In the past, if I had energy to do a double workout, I would do it! I noticed that when I tried to do that now, the next day I would be completely worn out and sore more than ever before. So instead, I’m listening to my body. I do one workout at the energy level I can for the day, and the next day try to stay on my schedule!

Remember, every body and every pregnancy is different. Listen to your body. Don’t use pregnancy as an excuse to be lazy. Use it as an excuse to take care of yourself and put your health first.

Did you see my facebook post about running this weekend? Yeah, I thought I was going to pee my pants!

Eating Plan?prunes pregnancy

My nutrition plan is pretty typical for me. I eat approximately 2,000-2,200 calories per day. This is about 300 calories more per day than I normally eat.

Lately, I’ve added prunes into my daily diet. Can you guess which pregnancy symptom I’m experiencing? 😉 Prunes are absolutely disgusting, but they help. I eat 40+ grams fiber per day, plenty of water and have adjusted some things to help with the problem.

  • Meal 1: Prunes (trying not to gag)
  • Meal 2: Chocolate Shakeology with chia seeds (is shakeology safe while pregnant?)
  • Meal 3: Fruit
  • Meal 4: Scrambled eggs, salad or left overs
  • Meal 5: Veggies & hummus
  • Meal 6: Vegetarian dinner (most of my favorite recipes are posted on my blog)


I’m feeling great! I get winded easily and am worn out by the end of the day, but eating well, hydrating and exercising give me energy. I drink MAYBE 1/2 cup coffee every other day, but that is the only caffeine I have.  The only symptom I’m really having is the constipation. Sorry, TMI? It’s a real, frustrating, uncomfortable issue! I guess being a Dietitian I’m used to talking about bowel movements and GI issues, so hopefully it’s not weird for you.

To help with constipation:

  • Increase fiber intake from whole foods (plants, beans, whole grains).
  • Increase water intake.
  • Include pre/probiotic (included in my vitamins & shakeology).
  • Exercise daily.
  • Limit foods that can cause constipation such as high amounts of dairy and high red meat intake.
  • If you’re taking high amounts of iron supplements, this can cause even more constipation. Ask your doctor about changing supplements.
  • If you on any other medications, this can also worsen the problem.
  • Talk to your doctor about taking any medications.

Last week, I was a roller coaster of emotions. I lost it over all types of little things- a song that reminded me of my brother, a letter from my niece (pictured below), a phone call with my mom about an old friend. I’m already a pretty emotional person, it seems like last week my emotions were stronger than ever before!


Baby Nursery?

We are piecing it together bit by bit! As of today, we have a nice little stash of baby clothes, high chair, car seat and crib! We also stopped by Motherhood Maternity and picked up two pairs of maternity shorts! In the Georgia heat and my old tight shorts, things were starting to get uncomfortable. I was nervous they’d be hideous, but they were actually pretty cute! We had a lot of fun over the weekend at Babies R Us looking at all the options and getting an idea of things and styles we like! This is us playing around at the store:


What Does Pat Think?

Pat’s thought for the week,  “babies are so little, why do they need so many things?” And, “Baby strollers should automatically make motorcycle noises.” (See picture above)!

Stay tuned for more updates!



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