healthy after school snacks for preschoolers

Snacking can be a never ending game if not done right. Snacking can also completely derail the well-intended mommy trying to feed her kids the right things. Before we dive into a list of some easy after school snacks for kids, I want you to get the essence of what acceptable child hunger is. It’s completely fine for kids to be hungry. We’re not talking starving-and-have-low-blood-sugar kind of hungry; we’re talking a normal, getting-in-tune-with-their-bodies kind of hunger. Like, I’m going to eat a big meal shortly, so I don’t need to fill up on snacks.

Too often, I see moms giving out snacks right and left – packed in every bag for every occasion… I’ve done it myself! Giving them a snack seems like a quick and easy fix, but – if you’re like me- I kept finding myself in a battle with my kids come mealtime. So, snacks before dinner got cut.

For instance, after daycare when my four year old starts saying, “I’m hungry,” I say to her, “Me too! That’s good because I’m making dinner right now! We’ll all eat soon!” I want my daughter to understand that life will not end just because she is beginning to feel hunger around dinner time and isn’t eating something right this moment. I want her to realize that her body is sending her the correct signals that a meal is about to take place. By eliminating that snacking period, I know she will be ready to eat supper with us, and more likely to try new things.

Keeping healthier options in the house is important. That probably sounds obvious… but believe me, it’s not. It’s so easy to fall into the junk food trap. Mama, you’re in control of what comes into the house. Are you buying Doritos and Cheez Its and frustrated that that is what they are asking for? Ever heard of the saying: out of sight, out of mind? It works! Eventually, your kids (& you!) will forget about junk food if it’s not in the house to begin with. Maybe the next time you find yourself in the store without the kiddos, they just so happen to be out of Lucky Charms, bummer ;)… so , they’re going to have to have some fruit or oatmeal as a snack.

Recommendations for Easy After School Snacks

All of the recommended easy after school snacks for kids are going to have these two characteristics:

Under 200 calories:

Remember, kids don’t need 2,000 calories a day. As I explain inside the MommyFeedingFamily program (refer to the Nutrition Support Guide), a four year old’s recommended intake is 900-1400 calories per day. 200 calories for him would be almost a quarter of his daily calorie needs! That’s a lot! So be mindful of portion size.

Healthy fats always included:

The worst thing a kid could do is come home and eat a bag of fruit snacks, candy or chips that are just straight carbs and sugar. Why? It spikes their blood sugar, causing it to crash an hour or two later… right at the time you’re about to serve dinner… making supper time just a shit show for everyone involved. #Monster

For more snacks, review the Nutrition Support Guide (page 12) for low sugar snacks inside the MommyFeedingFamily program.

My Top 8 Healthy After School Meals for Kids Include:

  • Small apple or banana with natural peanut butter, almond or cashew butter
  • Guacamole or hummus with grain-free chips, carrots, peppers, or snap peas
  • Tortilla roll up- 1 grain-free tortilla wrap, cheese, nitrate-free deli meat: layer all, microwave for 25 seconds, roll up and cut into pinwheels.
  • Cheese and crackers (I like Simple Mills)
  •  Low sugar, homemade muffins
  • Peanut butter cookie dough bites
  • Smoothie- make a yummy smoothie with some fruit, greens (spinach or kale), ½ an avocado, and protein if you want (I like Rootz, Vital Protein, or other hemp based or Collagen based protein sources).
  • Full fat organic yogurt, or coconut milk based yogurt with berries

I’ve found that having these healthy and easy after school snacks prepped as much as possible is really the key to it being a success. If you have a special snack drawer or shelf that your kids can get to you, you’ll also be teaching them some independence. Remember, it’s not a bad thing for kids to snack! It’s just what they’re snacking on can be. I take the job of being my girls’ “food gatekeeper” seriously. I must set a healthy example for her to learn from.

For more tips, tricks, recipes, and other goodies, join or stop by my Facebook page, Instagram, or visit the blog! Comment below with any questions YOU have, or suggestions for other healthy after school snacks for your little ones!

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